Memory Books

What is it?

Memory books are a way to dynamically provide context to your characters as you talk with them. Instead of filling up your entire context budget with your Scenario, Persona and Sample Chat, you can use Memory Books instead.

How does it work?

When you create a Memory Entry, you provide: keywords and the entry text.
You can also provide priority and weight, but we’ll get to that later.

  • Keywords:
    • These are words that “trigger” the memory to be inserted into your prompt.
    • E.g. drink, thrist, hydrate, water
  • Entry:
    • This is the text that is inserted into your prompt when one of your keywords is found.
    • E.g. 's favourite drink is red cordial on the rocks

Your generation settings will have a Memory Depth. This is the maximum number of chat messages that Agnai will scan for keywords.
It is important to remember this all happens in your browser.

You can use * (matching any character zero or more times) and ? (matching a single character) wildcards in your keywords, e.g.

  • book* will match book, books, booking, but not ebook
  • ?book will match ebook, but not book

In particular the keyword * matches anything, as long as Memory settings allow for it.

Why is it important to remember this occurs in the browser?

Note: This does not apply to anonymous/guest users. Guest users always have the entire chat history available for prompt building.

If you configure your memory depth above 100, the keywords may not trigger as you expect them to. When you initially load your chat, you will be sent a maximum of 100 messages from the server. You can continue to scroll up to retrieve more messages.

What are priority and weight?

In a nutshell, these two values are used to determine which memories to include in your memory budget (memory context limit) and in what order they appear in the prompt.


The higher this value is, the more “important” it is. To evalulate which memories we will include in the prompt:

  • We sort the memories by priority
  • We add the memories one by one to the prompt until the budget is full


The higher this value is, the further toward the bottom of the memory prompt the memory will be.
The theory is: the further toward the bottom of the prompt something is, the more important it is when generating a response.

After the memories have been “pruned” to fit inside the budget the memories and then sorted by weight.

What memory generation settings do you recommend?

At the moment I have no idea. I would be very interested to hear your experiences as you experiment with them.

The generation settings available to play with are: depth and contextLimit.

  • Depth: This is the maximum number of chat messages to scan for keywords.
  • Context Limit: This is the maximum number of tokens that the memory prompt will consume from your “Max Context Length”.